1).Long shot of the main character and her two friends getting ready.
2). Two person shot/panning shot, fades into black
3).Long shot of the three girls drinking at the same time, laughing, smiling. Cut to shot 4.
4).Close up of the main character drinking, laughs, cuts to next shot.
5).Panning shot/medium shot, focus on one girl dancing.
6).Medium shot/tracking shot of main character dancing and stumbling through the crowd.
7).Close up of main character and the young man, go in for a drunken kiss.
8).Mid shot of the girl and young man, of her arms around his neck, his arms touch her back.
9).Close up of the drunken kiss
10).Mid shot of the man pulling away and she stumbles backwards, she looks confused.
11).Reverse shot/medium shot looking onto the young man, pushes his arm forward.
12).Extreme close up/reverse shot of his hand
13).Reverse shot/mid of her looking at hime and looking down at their hands, then she goes to grab his hand.
14).Extreme close up/medium of his and her hand meeting
15).Close up of the girl, smerks,smiles and looks down.
16).Close up of the young man, laughs behind his teeth , looks up then down
17).Medium shot of him, he pulls her into him "common let me buy you a drink", smiles and nods, he walks backwards out of the camera.
18).Tracking shot, he turns around and both are walking through crowd, laughing and stumbling
19).Sides shot of small bar, walks into the scene, still holds her hand until she manages to sit on the stool.
20).Two person shot behind bar, she slumps on the bar, he looks shifty, orders drinks
21).Close up of his pocket and his hand going into the pocket, pulls white powder from the pocket.
22).Two person shot, pulls his hand onto the bar and takes her drink
23).extreme close up of the drink and powder being poured into it
24).Two person shot, she lifts her head and he looks and smiles, she grabs her drink
25).Tracking/close up of her holding the drink and her drinking it, she stops, presses her lips together
26).Two person shot put her drink down, looks over at the young man and smiles.
27).Two person/close up shot of the faces talking, her touching her hair, him talking she listens.
28).Close up shot of the young girls face, starts to squint eyes, music becomes slurred/quieter.
29). Extreme close up of her hands to her head, like she has a headache, still hear the man talking, music becomes quieter.
30).Medium close up of her looking distressed and unwell, things seem abit blurred.
31).Two person shot she grabs his hand "are you alright" things are blurred looking ill she runs then yells while she has her hand over her mouth.
32).Panning shot of her running out of the club, turns left and throws up in a corner.
33).medium shot of her gasping her breath, spits and wipes her mouth, leaning with her arm on the wall.
34).Long shot of her slumping to the ground, wipes her face and moves her legs like she is cold, she looks up.
35).Close up still looking up, presses her lips and looks down, wipes her eyes and starts to get up.
36).Long shot of her getting up using her hands, wipes her dress down, walks out of the scene.
37).Tracking shot of her walking down the street, sound of cars, people, traffic. She sniffs, wipes her eyes, sorts out her hair.
38).Tracking shot (part 2) camera focuses on the young man before following in the distance he turns his head left and nods, he leaves the scene.
39).Long shot as she trips and falls on her hands and knees, the contents of her bag spilling onto the floor.
40).High angle shot of her picking up her belongings, sound of footsteps gets louder and then stops, she look up.
41).Low angle shot of a tall dark man we are unable to see his face.
42).High angle shot reverse shot, she stops picking up her bag and looks at the man, puts her hair behind her ears.
43).Low angle shot of the dark man, he pulls his hand out of his pocket "need a hand up"?
44).High angle shot, she nods, grabs her bag and grabs his hand.
45)Long shot, she gets up struggles a bit, he grabs the side of her chest. "looks like you`ve had a bit too much to drink"
46).Close up/two person shot, she nods "yeah me too" they look at each other. "did you want me to walk you home"?
47).Close up, she looks at him, but onlyshowing her face not his. "erm, im okay i thikn i`ll be fine"
48).Panning shot, she walks away and he follows behind her.
49).Tracking shot, she walks and he follows behind her, she covers her mouth again and moves to the left.
50).Panning shot/high angles shot, she hunches and throws up again. She gasps for breath and wipes her mouth, she unhunches and spits.
51).Low angle shot, he asks her again if he wants him to walk her home
52).Medium shot "okay,okay"
53).Medium shot reverse shot, "good, give me your hand show me the way"
54).Panning shot/mid shot, she grabs his hand, gets up again and walks off the scene.
55).Tracking shot/long shot, we can see them walking behind hand-in-hand. She pushes/pulls him out of the scene to the left.
56).Panning shot of them two turning into a dark street, camera follows them.
57).Tracking shot/two person shot can see them walking in front of the camera she stumbles and hold onto him, club music fades and you can hear a car/van driving close.
58).Medium shot, they stop walking and turn to each other, they start talking, car/van becomes louder.
59).Cut shot/extreme close up of the moving wheel of the van.
60).Midshot, he hold onto her waist and she pulls away. He keeps trying to touch her, she starts screaming and he puts his head over his mouth.
61).Close up/sideshot, he pushes her into a wall with his hands covering her mouth. She tries and gets out, but is unable. Noise of the van stops and are able to hear doors opening and clsoing. 62).Wide shot, includes girl and young girl, van and two other men dresses in black, he tries to puch her into the van but she struggles.
63).Cuts to a long shot on the van door, the men throwing her in. A loud bang of the body going into the door, closing and cuts into black.
When myself and my production group started the filming process of our film, we decided to cut out some of our shots that we had previosuly decided to inlcude, we cut out the scene of the girl and her friends getting ready to go out and the kidnapping scene in the van, we decided towards cutting out these two scenes because; the time limit to our film is two minutes and it would not be possibe to include all of our shots and scenes within our two minute time limit. We also felt that these scene would not particularly have added anything to the film, that would help create suspense and ambiguity, however we decided to keep wih the main scene, of the girl walking home and the boy offering thw walk her home and making the auidence believe that he is the protector, however he changes into the villian and the girl becomes the victim. After our first shoot, we uploaded our footage onto the computer and watched it, we then realised the lighting was wrong and it was too dark, this stopped us from being able to see the characters faces, therefore creating no relation between the audience and the characters, however we took this on board and decided to shoot the footage again, at an earlier time, when the lighting would be right, because the only lighting we had was the natural light and the line of street lamps that are by the river, which created a soft lighting, therefore making the film more indepentdant because of the limited lighting. In the re-shoot of the film, we created more ambiguity and used more close up shots of the characters. The decision to re-shoot the film, helped us as a production team to create more ambiguity, through a variety of shots and actions.
By Louise McGee