Tuesday, 15 December 2009

References to our thriller film.

In the planning stage of our thriller film, we needed to find films that had a reference to our own, when thinking about this we needed to consider; setting, lighting, shot types, storyline, sound, costume, age/gender of characters, social class/background of characters in order to find a film that we had seen or heard of that held a reference in any of these ways to our own thriller film.

We made two references they are; `psycho` and ` the third man`. Psycho, by Hitchcock, has a reference to our own because of the use of long shots to show the criminal and the way in which Norman Bates is portrayed as being a caring and kind man towards Marion and then towards the end of the film he becomes the criminal when he kills her, this has a reference to our thriller film, because the man who is portrayed to look like a caring young man towards the girl making sure she got home okay, however towards the end of the film just like in psycho he becomes he criminal when he begins by stalking her out of the club and attempts to kidnap her.

the famous shower scene;when norman bates becomes the criminal

The other reference we made was to `The third man`, by Carol reed, has a reference to our thriller film because of the stalking scene, which is the main issue in the storyline in our film. Another reference that we made was the lighting that is used in the third man, that is very dominant in the mise-en-scene, because it has been filmed at night on a wet cobbled street and the only light is a street lamp which creates a very a typically thriller lighting, we are also filming in the evening and the only light will be the light from the surrounding streetlamps and clubs, we are going to try to schedule to film on a evening when it has been raining during the day, so the light will reflect off the pavements like in the third man.

this image from the third man shows the different lights and the reflection from the light on the wet pavements.

This image is from the third man, and shows the dark and light well and the light from the streetlamps and the way that the man looks like a silhouette in the distance.

By Louise McGee

1 comment:

  1. Good detail of references and effects you wanted to achieve.
