Monday, 7 December 2009

Questions in response to my preliminary film.

1). What planning did you do for your filming task, and how did this planning aid in the filming?

I created a storyboard,shooting map and shot list which helped me in my planning for my film. The storyboard helped us when filming because we knew which shots needed to be filmed and in which order, it also helped the characters, becuase it told them what they needed to do and in what order and location. The shooting map and shot list were referred to alot during the filiming, they both helped us in the filming of our preliminary task because they told us were we needed to position the camera. Our storyboard,shooting map and shot list, all helped aid the filming of our preliminary task and resulted in the filming of our task running smoothly, becuase of this planning we had done beforehand.

2). What camera and editing techniques and codes did you use in your film and how do they influence the audiences understanding of the film? (eg. camera and shot types etc; match on action, shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule)

In the filming of our task we used the zoom on the camera, in order to film close up shots of the characters, when we had finished the filming we imported the film onto the computer and edited the film using adobe elements, a video editing programme. We used the 180 degree rule throughout the film, the use of this rule helped the audience to understand the position of the chracters and when they enter or leave a scene. A shot reverse shot is used when the two characters are talking, this means that each character dominates the mise-en-scene, when they are talking, the use of this shot reverse shot shows their importance. The use of the editing programme creates a more finished and professional look to the auidence.

3). How did you use new technologies in your construction, planning and evaluation (eg. digital camera; non-linear editing software; youtube, blogger) and what skills do you have at using this technology? (strengths and weaknesses eg. steady/shaky camera; variety of shot types; smooth/clumsy; independence when using technologies...)

We used new technologies in each of the three aspects of the film. In the planning stage we used a scanner and blogger, in order to display the shooting map, storyboard and shot list. In the construction stage we used a video camera and tripod, the use of a tripod, made sure that the film was still when filming and the finished film was steady, as opposed to an unsteady and shaky image. When the filming was complete, we uploaded our film onto the computer and used an adobe video editing software which enabled us to cut parts out of the film we did not want, add titles and add effects to the transition of the shots for example fading. When the editing stage was completed, we uploaded it onto youtube and created a link on blogger so that the video could be viewed on blogger to along with the evaluation questions about the film. I think that I could work quite well independently with the technology that we used, however if I was to perform this task again, I would try the filming aspect of task rather than the acting, however I believe that I can work well and independently on all the other aspects of the film.

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